Since 2011, the City of Somerville and Somerville Arts Council have hosted Porchfest, during which local musicians perform on their porches, stoops, front yards, or any empty spaces. In 2023, there were over 200 acts across Somerville. Performances start in East Somerville at around 12 and move down to West Somerville until around 6pm. Performances that drew the most crowds were American cover bands, but the music was wide-ranging.
2022 was my first Porchfest and first year living in Somerville. I didn’t know it was happening, I just heard loud music from my neighbor’s yard and came out to listen. Somehow, most people I know found out about Porchfest in a similar way- accidentally, or through word of mouth. This year, I was a little more prepared. I started in Davis and made my way down to Union Square with my friends, and brought my camera with me too. The sun was out and it seemed like the entirety of Somerville was out too. The energy and sense of community was palpable, especially after the huge pandemic wave. It felt like the true beginning of summer.
2022 was my first Porchfest and first year living in Somerville. I didn’t know it was happening, I just heard loud music from my neighbor’s yard and came out to listen. Somehow, most people I know found out about Porchfest in a similar way- accidentally, or through word of mouth. This year, I was a little more prepared. I started in Davis and made my way down to Union Square with my friends, and brought my camera with me too. The sun was out and it seemed like the entirety of Somerville was out too. The energy and sense of community was palpable, especially after the huge pandemic wave. It felt like the true beginning of summer.